The series follows Southern California's elite rescue taskforce, SAF3 (pronounced"safe"), is composed of the cream of the crop from the sea, air, and fire divisions of the Malibu Fire Department. They really are the heroes who respond the toughest calls. Specialists who collaborate, organize, and initiate daring offenses in the most reckless venues to save human existence, consistently mindful of the harsh reality which certain of these might not return.
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The series follows Southern California's elite rescue taskforce, SAF3 (pronounced"safe"), is composed of the cream of the crop from the sea, air, and fire divisions of the Malibu Fire Department. They really are the heroes who respond the toughest calls. Specialists who collaborate, organize, and initiate daring offenses in the most reckless venues to save human existence, consistently mindful of the harsh reality which certain of these might not return.