Inspired by DreamWorks Animation's 2009 blockbuster feature film, this brand new show follows the further adventures of their cherished monsters- B.O.B., the gelatinous blob with out a brain. The fish-man that is ancient, Connect. Dr. Cockroach, the half-man/half-insect mad scientist. And Susan (aka Ginormica), the incredible climbing woman-as they shield Earth from various supernatural and alien dangers.
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Inspired by DreamWorks Animation's 2009 blockbuster feature film, this brand new show follows the further adventures of their cherished monsters- B.O.B., the gelatinous blob with out a brain. The fish-man that is ancient, Connect. Dr. Cockroach, the half-man/half-insect mad scientist. And Susan (aka Ginormica), the incredible climbing woman-as they shield Earth from various supernatural and alien dangers.