Gargoyles is a American animation series produced by Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television, and filmed from October 2-4, 1994 to February 15, 1997. The series is credited for complex narrative arcs, the tone, and melodrama. Character arcs have been utilized during the sequence, as were themes.
Also a spin off comic series and A Gargoyles game adaptation were established in 1995. The show's narrative continued from 2006--2009 at a comic book collection of the same name, produced by Slave Labor Graphics and written by Greg Weisman.
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Gargoyles is a American animation series produced by Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television, and filmed from October 2-4, 1994 to February 15, 1997. The series is credited for complex narrative arcs, the tone, and melodrama. Character arcs have been utilized during the sequence, as were themes.
Also a spin off comic series and A Gargoyles game adaptation were established in 1995. The show's narrative continued from 2006--2009 at a comic book collection of the same name, produced by Slave Labor Graphics and written by Greg Weisman.