Empty Nest is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1988 to 1995. The show had been created as a spin-off of The Golden Girls by founder and producer Susan Harris. Because of the first three seasons, Empty Nest was one of the year's top most-watched programs. It had been made by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in association with Touchstone Television.
The show theory introduced some elements from the British comedy show Father, Dear Father featuring a father living with his two brothers and dog. However both daughters in Nest are adults, and also the character can be a widower.
Empty Nest was part of NBC's Saturday night block of programming, and during its first four seasons it aired at 9:30pm ET, directly after a Golden Girls.
Two of these cast were alumni of Susan Harris' earlier shows. Mulligan has been Manoff's father-in-law at Soap.
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Empty Nest is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1988 to 1995. The show had been created as a spin-off of The Golden Girls by founder and producer Susan Harris. Because of the first three seasons, Empty Nest was one of the year's top most-watched programs. It had been made by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in association with Touchstone Television.
The show theory introduced some elements from the British comedy show Father, Dear Father featuring a father living with his two brothers and dog. However both daughters in Nest are adults, and also the character can be a widower.
Empty Nest was part of NBC's Saturday night block of programming, and during its first four seasons it aired at 9:30pm ET, directly after a Golden Girls.
Two of these cast were alumni of Susan Harris' earlier shows. Mulligan has been Manoff's father-in-law at Soap.