ChalkZone is an animated television Show created by Larry Huber and Bill Burnett and produced by Frederator Studios for Its Nickelodeon TV channel. The series follows Rudy Tabootie, an elementary school student whose magical chalk allows him into the ChalkZone, an alternate dimension where everything drawn on a blackboard and discharged becomes real. The series specializes in the experiences of Rudy, his sidekick Snap, and classmate Penny Sanchez within the zone.
ChalkZone originally aired within Fred Seibert's Oh Yeah! Cartoons shorts exhibit in 1998. Although the last two episodes stayed unaired the series ran with 42 episodes in total, in March 22, 2002, to August 23, 2008. Canadian business, Nelvana spread out the USA it.
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ChalkZone is an animated television Show created by Larry Huber and Bill Burnett and produced by Frederator Studios for Its Nickelodeon TV channel. The series follows Rudy Tabootie, an elementary school student whose magical chalk allows him into the ChalkZone, an alternate dimension where everything drawn on a blackboard and discharged becomes real. The series specializes in the experiences of Rudy, his sidekick Snap, and classmate Penny Sanchez within the zone.
ChalkZone originally aired within Fred Seibert's Oh Yeah! Cartoons shorts exhibit in 1998. Although the last two episodes stayed unaired the series ran with 42 episodes in total, in March 22, 2002, to August 23, 2008. Canadian business, Nelvana spread out the USA it.