Hypnoticand truly bizarre parts of horror and science fiction, perturbing, and completely enthralling, '' The Untamed combine a family drama. Desperate to flee however absorbed with panic, Alejandra, a new mother and house wife that was working, is trapped in a violent and invisibly relationship with her husband. She leans on her brother Fabián for support, however he has secrets of his or her own. The coming of the Veronica turns upside down all their lives. She convinces them in the neighboring forests, in a isolated cabin, resides some thing not of the world that could be the answer to every one their issues... some thing whose induce they cannot withstand with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.
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Hypnoticand truly bizarre parts of horror and science fiction, perturbing, and completely enthralling, '' The Untamed combine a family drama. Desperate to flee however absorbed with panic, Alejandra, a new mother and house wife that was working, is trapped in a violent and invisibly relationship with her husband. She leans on her brother Fabián for support, however he has secrets of his or her own. The coming of the Veronica turns upside down all their lives. She convinces them in the neighboring forests, in a isolated cabin, resides some thing not of the world that could be the answer to every one their issues... some thing whose induce they cannot withstand with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.