Referred to as "The Toolbox Killer," Lawrence Bittaker, along with his partner Roy Norris, committed outrageous acts. Bittaker continued to be silent about his crimes for 40 years up until he satisfied criminologist Laura Brand. Throughout five years, Brand videotaped her numerous discussions with Bittaker as he talked from fatality row regarding his techniques as well as intentions, providing distinct understandings into the mind of a criminal sadist.
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Referred to as "The Toolbox Killer," Lawrence Bittaker, along with his partner Roy Norris, committed outrageous acts. Bittaker continued to be silent about his crimes for 40 years up until he satisfied criminologist Laura Brand. Throughout five years, Brand videotaped her numerous discussions with Bittaker as he talked from fatality row regarding his techniques as well as intentions, providing distinct understandings into the mind of a criminal sadist.