This feature-length Claymation fiction follows Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard Mark Twain's interplanetary balloon. Disgusted with humanity, Twain sets out to find Halley's Comet and crash into it, fulfilling his "destiny." Tom, Becky, and Huck must persuade him that his judgment is flawed and that he still has much to give humanity. If they fail, they will suffer Twain's fate. They employ a mystical time portal to learn about Twain's worldview while watching the "historical" events that inspired his works.
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This feature-length Claymation fiction follows Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard Mark Twain's interplanetary balloon. Disgusted with humanity, Twain sets out to find Halley's Comet and crash into it, fulfilling his "destiny." Tom, Becky, and Huck must persuade him that his judgment is flawed and that he still has much to give humanity. If they fail, they will suffer Twain's fate. They employ a mystical time portal to learn about Twain's worldview while watching the "historical" events that inspired his works.