"The Proud Family" follows the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who is doing her best to navigate through early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals into bigger than life situations filled with hilarity hi-jinks and soul. Her search are further complicated by friends such as the Gee Dijonay,'' Penny's nemesis LaCienega Boulevardez, her husband, if not parents along with her Suga Mama.
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"The Proud Family" follows the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who is doing her best to navigate through early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals into bigger than life situations filled with hilarity hi-jinks and soul. Her search are further complicated by friends such as the Gee Dijonay,'' Penny's nemesis LaCienega Boulevardez, her husband, if not parents along with her Suga Mama.