Tak and the Power of Juju is an animated series that premiered on September 1, 2007 on August 3 1, 2007 and about Nicktoons on Nickelodeon. It's been showing on Nicktoons at the uk as 5 July 2008. Based on the video game of the same name, the series is composed of just 2 twenty five minute stories a half hour episode. It really is Nickelodeon's first all-CGI series and the provider's 30th Nicktoons. Nick Jennings produced the series and led, among others, by Jim Schumann Mark Risley, and Heiko Drengenberg. The series received lots of reviews struggled to gain a audience and finished up being declared after 26 episodes in November 2008.
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Tak and the Power of Juju is an animated series that premiered on September 1, 2007 on August 3 1, 2007 and about Nicktoons on Nickelodeon. It's been showing on Nicktoons at the uk as 5 July 2008. Based on the video game of the same name, the series is composed of just 2 twenty five minute stories a half hour episode. It really is Nickelodeon's first all-CGI series and the provider's 30th Nicktoons. Nick Jennings produced the series and led, among others, by Jim Schumann Mark Risley, and Heiko Drengenberg. The series received lots of reviews struggled to gain a audience and finished up being declared after 26 episodes in November 2008.