Heartland was a Australian television drama series that ran on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It ran for ten episodes and starred Cate Blanchett and Ernie Dingo. The show was known as Burned Bridge in some countries.
Heartland deals with the mystery surrounding the departure of an undercover girl. It is also a love story of the people convinced of his innocence--their relationship that is growing has to survive from both the white and black communities and the barriers of cultures, attitudes and these backgrounds. Place in a tiny coastal town from the turmoils of love, mystery and murder, Heartland follows the individuals from their battle to restructure their own way of life and the community. Their fight to reestablish their selfesteem regardless of the barriers in their own course, towards a long run that is positive.
Other storyline elements revolve round Elizabeth Ashton, a writer arriving in a tiny coastal community's personality. A level of distress is present towards the newcomer who's oblivious of any underlying anxieties. This naivety allows Aborigine Vincent Burunga to be more easily befriended by her. Into this mix is your area police officer Phil McCarthy who seeks Ashton's affections whilst being hostile to her friendship with Burunga, maybe not simply as a rival suitor, but as a result of bias.
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Heartland was a Australian television drama series that ran on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It ran for ten episodes and starred Cate Blanchett and Ernie Dingo. The show was known as Burned Bridge in some countries.
Heartland deals with the mystery surrounding the departure of an undercover girl. It is also a love story of the people convinced of his innocence--their relationship that is growing has to survive from both the white and black communities and the barriers of cultures, attitudes and these backgrounds. Place in a tiny coastal town from the turmoils of love, mystery and murder, Heartland follows the individuals from their battle to restructure their own way of life and the community. Their fight to reestablish their selfesteem regardless of the barriers in their own course, towards a long run that is positive.
Other storyline elements revolve round Elizabeth Ashton, a writer arriving in a tiny coastal community's personality. A level of distress is present towards the newcomer who's oblivious of any underlying anxieties. This naivety allows Aborigine Vincent Burunga to be more easily befriended by her. Into this mix is your area police officer Phil McCarthy who seeks Ashton's affections whilst being hostile to her friendship with Burunga, maybe not simply as a rival suitor, but as a result of bias.