A frightening psychological thriller set near Glacier National Park, Montana's beautiful landscape. Two senior high school friends, Travis and Nate, are about the road trip to Canada if they are attacked by vicious and mysterious creatures. Nate is discharged into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him backagain. Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against those creatures in an effort to retrieve Nate is recruited by travis.
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A frightening psychological thriller set near Glacier National Park, Montana's beautiful landscape. Two senior high school friends, Travis and Nate, are about the road trip to Canada if they are attacked by vicious and mysterious creatures. Nate is discharged into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him backagain. Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against those creatures in an effort to retrieve Nate is recruited by travis.