In a future Japan, sisters Ami (Hina Nagimiya) and Yoshie (Hanakage Kanon), who sold their bodies to aid their parents, struggle to make a life as an idol group in the lawless Ishinari District. When Matsukata (Tak Sakaguchi), a notorious hitman, notices their condition, the three understand their value in fighting Aoyama Dharma (Kimono Negishi), the female chief of a local organ harvesting ring. The two are outfitted with homemade weapons and become the ultimate killers after realizing their talents are no match for her army of thugs and henchmen.
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In a future Japan, sisters Ami (Hina Nagimiya) and Yoshie (Hanakage Kanon), who sold their bodies to aid their parents, struggle to make a life as an idol group in the lawless Ishinari District. When Matsukata (Tak Sakaguchi), a notorious hitman, notices their condition, the three understand their value in fighting Aoyama Dharma (Kimono Negishi), the female chief of a local organ harvesting ring. The two are outfitted with homemade weapons and become the ultimate killers after realizing their talents are no match for her army of thugs and henchmen.