The television series "Good Morning Everyone!" follows the lives of a family that is active in the punk music scene. Aki is a veteran of the punk scene, having played the guitar in multiple bands. Soon after, she discovered she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter whom she named Hatsuki. Even though the mother and daughter live together amicably, they both have their own distinct identities. After then, a man named Yagu comes into their lives. He is a former member of the punk band in which Aki played beside him. Yagu is interested in Aki and their relationship.
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The television series "Good Morning Everyone!" follows the lives of a family that is active in the punk music scene. Aki is a veteran of the punk scene, having played the guitar in multiple bands. Soon after, she discovered she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter whom she named Hatsuki. Even though the mother and daughter live together amicably, they both have their own distinct identities. After then, a man named Yagu comes into their lives. He is a former member of the punk band in which Aki played beside him. Yagu is interested in Aki and their relationship.