Drama follows the story of a pool-party between five former college sororiety sisters attempting weekend blowout. They are faced in that which exactly is their divisive present while trying hard to grab onto their pleasure childhood fulfilled beyond. While they water down their difficulties with medication and booze unbeknownst to them an evil lurks around them. How much won't merely their own cause will this insidious make? Bloody Drama can be just really a throw back to the excellent horror films of our past, Halloween.
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Drama follows the story of a pool-party between five former college sororiety sisters attempting weekend blowout. They are faced in that which exactly is their divisive present while trying hard to grab onto their pleasure childhood fulfilled beyond. While they water down their difficulties with medication and booze unbeknownst to them an evil lurks around them. How much won't merely their own cause will this insidious make? Bloody Drama can be just really a throw back to the excellent horror films of our past, Halloween.