A group of researchers and a mysterious hunter known simply as"Crocodile Jack" venture into the swamp to combat a gigantic resurrected ancestral monster that's been mutilating and devouring town locals. As they venture deeper into the swamps losing team members into the carnivorous they detect that a Voodoo Priest was orchestrating the revival of not the monster that is vicious, but a horde of flesh eating zombies as well. It will take more than guns and brawn to stop the ZOMBIE CROC!
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A group of researchers and a mysterious hunter known simply as"Crocodile Jack" venture into the swamp to combat a gigantic resurrected ancestral monster that's been mutilating and devouring town locals. As they venture deeper into the swamps losing team members into the carnivorous they detect that a Voodoo Priest was orchestrating the revival of not the monster that is vicious, but a horde of flesh eating zombies as well. It will take more than guns and brawn to stop the ZOMBIE CROC!